
We are proud to be affiliated with some of the state’s leading businesses and organizations and to have references and referrals from some of the state’s most prominent and successful leaders.

Cooperative Educational Services (CES), the state’s premier educational services agency, has hired us as its labor aces logond employee relations services provider. CES members include all school districts in New Mexico and most higher education in our state. Our expertise and character have been thoroughly vetted and the RFP requirements for hiring a contractor have been satisfied. Our support to school districts includes collective bargaining, grievance handling, arbitration representation and general advice in addressing all matters related to the complicated work of dealing with unions. You can learn more about CES here.

Our business relationships have expanded over the last four years to include an affiliation with Southwestern HR Consulting, LLC, one of New Mexico’s premier comprehensive human resources companies. Our affiliation with Southwestern HR Consulting means that WERC can provide any traditional HR service to your organization.

Our other formal affiliations include voluntary employee benefits offerings through Competitive Benefits Administrators, health insurance consulting through Gibson and Frank, LLC, and blending learning product offerings through Tech-Labs, Inc.